Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spinny Life

I found this picture the other day of Fred sitting on "spinny chair", the only chair that I have ever owned that had a name. Seeing this picture brought back many good memories of happy times in that house- that town. Memories of spinny chair and a sweet toddler Fred.

I am in the middle of moving out of my fabulous studio at the arts park- and even though it is what I wanted- truth be told, I am a bit sad. I know that all that will be left of these last few years will be memories, just pictures in a drawer, (or on a hard drive). Of course there are paintings- but there would have been paintings without the studio. Probably more of them. Eventually I will find another space to rent- or not. One thing that will not change is my commitment to painting, even here- part one of my early self portraits is shown in the background of this 20 year old picture. I was a painter before the LLAP and will continue to be a painter.

I will be moved out completely by the end of the weekend. Then the plan is to not have a plan for a while- but I will be around if you need me.

Love, Lori


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August 28, 2008 2:27 AM  

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